We are proud to announce that our company has successfully passed ISO 14001:2015 environmental standard audit.
The implementation of this standard is for us a confirmation of the chosen path within the framework of sustainable development. ISO 14001 is a leading environmental management system standard that is based on international regulations and requirements. Accreditation confirms our efforts that we make on a daily basis in all areas of the environmental management system. Our goal is to minimize the negative impact of our organization on the environment. We believe that taking even the smallest and seemingly insignificant steps can contribute to the improvement of the quality of our environment.
During the environmental audit, we also maintained our other quality certificates, i.e. ISO 9001:2015 (Quality Management System) and ISO 15593:2010 (Production of food packaging and closures). We believe that these standards, together with the ISO 15378:2017 standard (Packaging for medical devices) certified last year, present our company as a competent manufacturer and supplier of the highest quality packaging.

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